Sunday, 21 June 2015

All Over

Approximately 12,000 kms on the bikes & 13 countries in 2 months its home for a rest. The V Stroms have performed brilliantly again. Only problem has been my smartphone which died & caused a few gaps in this blog in the last 10 days. To bring you up to date, we left Ireland at the port of Rosslare & ferried across to Pembroke in Wales on dead calm seas. Our only night in Wales was in the Welsh hills at Abergavenny, camped at a golf course camping ground. We managed to avoid the thunder storms around us, for our last night in the tents. All good trips must come to an end & the following day we headed to Horsham, to meet up with the rest of the Kiwi team of seven bikes for a last night dinner at the local in Billingshurst. Bikes had to be cleaned thoroughly before loading on the 19th at Felixstowe in the container for the journey back to NZ.
Until next time, thanks for following this blog & our journey. We have crammed a lot in, in a short time, as this was my first visit to this part of the world, every day brought something new. A great trip, if you ever have the oppurtunity, give it a go !
One night of glamping, never hurt, our last night in Ireland was in this B&B


  1. Looking forward to hearing a few more stories when I am over in August. I will bring the Rum. Nath

  2. Wow what a trip it's been we've loved reading the blog updates - Rule Britannia says Tez and Home to Down Under Kiwi you come alas to -20 degrees

  3. See you when back - it was minus 20 degrees at lake pukaki this week....the rum will certainly help Nath.
