Friday, 15 May 2015

A Day In The Mountains

Today we left all our panniers & gear at our camp  at Gerb in the mountain area of northern Spain  & did a 150 Km loop up over the Col shown in the photo Needless to say I led Gordon up the garden path & got  onto a track that was not made for me or a V Strom with fully inflated tyres. We back tracked out of there through some spectacular mountain scenery including views into the Andorra mountains that we intend to visit next. We could see the rain & probably snow on the tops falling in Andorra. Our day was a little windy but sunshine all the way.
Rock climbing is very popular in this part of Spain & there are several climbing parties staying in the camp as well as a group of geology students from the Netherlands studying the limestone formations here.
Weather permitting we are off to the Andorra area tomorrow.


  1. Looking great so good to see the smiles ENJOY

  2. So brilliant to see you're having such a great time Norm. 33 degrees - nice! Our gas heater is finally on. I guess it had to come. Loving the blog. Suex
