What an adventure - If you are just thinking about it, give it a go. Australia is a big country, the trip was certainly never boring and there is so much that is different to see. The threat of animals wanting to run into you is always on your mind, but just be aware.
A few thoughts :
The Bike - My bike was a 2010 Suzuki DL 650 V Strom adventure bike and proved to be reliable and adequate for the task. We met a number of riders doing the circuit on the same bikes, without any issues.
Fuel -- I carried spare fuel and used it twice, but only for convenience. We did come across a roadhouse that had run out of fuel, but luckily we did not require any.
Tyres -- A few surprises here. Tyres wore out very quickly on the hot roads in the Kakadu for instance. You are not going to get your normal kms out of a tyre and may have to change them just because of where you are i.e. too far to the next major town or city, where they can be changed. Ring ahead to order tyres, especially for adventure bikes.
Camping -- We camped virtually everywhere including free camping in roadside camping areas, until the weather got cold and wet in Victoria. Get a good quality tent and use a groundsheet to protect your tent floor. There is no grass in the north, just sand or gravel.
Thanks to friends and family who have supported us and those who have followed this blog. Thanks to sometime fellow riders, Gordon, Terry, Ian, Trevor and the Harley boys who gave us valuable information on the best route to take in the top of Western Australia.
Cheers until next time.
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